
21, 트레이싱지 위에 혼합 재료, 41.82×29.7cm, 2012
21, mixed media, 41.82×29.7cm, 2012
1.마당에서 뛰어놀던 때에 Childhood lights
2.달빛을 머금은 A moonlight hand
3.북어손 Dried pollock*
4.고무손 A Rubber hand
5.용운아!, Where are you !
6.빨래손 Washboard hand
7.현기증 Vertigo
8.산 an acid hand
9.폐경 Menopause
10.돌고도네 Round and round
11.장사꾼의 손 A hand of merchant
12.타버린 Burned
13.구멍가게 Coner shop
14.화병(火病) hwa-byung*
15.고이 접어 A Worn white hand
16.플라스틱 손 Plastic hand
17.늙은 산 An Old Mountain
18.흔적 1 Trace 1
19.흔적 2 Trace 2
20.흔적 3 Trace 3
대학에 입학하면서 친할머니 댁에 머물게 되었다. 매일 매일 할머니와 다투고 미워하다 할머니의 이야기를 들어보기로 했다. 할머니의 인생 이야기를 쭉 듣고 있자니 저절로 고개가 숙여지고 할머니 손 만을 하염없이 바라볼 수 밖에 없었다. 습관이 생성되는 최소 기간인 21이라는 숫자에 맞추어 할머니의 인생을 손 드로잉으로 표현해 보았다. 할머니를 다르게 보기 위해 손 드로잉을 통해 숙고의 시간을 갖기 위한 노력의 일환이었다.
Upon entering university, I ended up staying at my grandmother's house. Despite our daily arguments and resentment, I decided to listen to my grandmother's stories. As I listened to my grandmother's life story, my head naturally bowed, and I couldn't help but gaze at her hands endlessly. Following the minimum period of 21 days, during which habits are formed, I attempted to express my grandmother's life through hand drawings. It was an effort to contemplate and see my grandmother differently through hand drawings.
3* In modern Korea, there was a widespread misconception that "dried pollack and women should be beaten once every three days."
14* A disease that causes dysfunction in the liver's physiological functions due to the inability to suppress feelings of unfairness, resulting in pain in the head and side, as well as tightness in the chest, leading to difficulty sleeping.