
흰, 창틀에 혼합매체, 2020

White, Variable Installation, 2020

김순옥 할머니와의 인터뷰 중

‘피난통에 먹었던 시래기죽은 그렇게 맛있었는데 나중에 형편이 나아지고 시래기죽 맛을 잊지 못해 다시 해 먹어 보았을 때 정말로 맛이 없더라‘

라는 말이 인상깊어 영상 속 등장하는 오브제들로 시래기가 점차 모래알처럼 꺼끌거리는 질감으로 변화하는 과정을 형상화 하였다.

From an interview with Grandma Kim Sun-ok:

“The Si-rae-gi* porridge we ate during the evacuation was so delicious. But later, when our situation improved and I tried to make Si-rae-gi porridge again because I couldn't forget its taste, it really didn't taste good."

This statement left a deep impression, so I visualized the process of Si-rae-gi gradually becoming gritty like sand through the objects appearing in the video.

*"Si-rae-gi" refers to dried radish greens or cabbage leaves, which are dried by tying them into bundles and then stored. They are used for roasting or boiling soup.