몸의 도서관 프로젝트 (2014-ongoing)
Before a library burns down

<간장 게장>, 2020, 단채널 비디오, 30min
<벤댕이 김치>, 2020, 단채널 비디오, 1h
<팥죽과 물김치>, 2014, 단채널 비디오, 1h 20min
<쑥떡>, 2014, 단채널 비디오, 17min
<Soy Sauce Marinated Crab>, 2020, Single channel video, 30min
<Sardine Kimchi>, 2020, Single channel video, 1h
<Red Bean Porridge, MulKinchi>, 2014, Single channel video, 1h 20min
<Mugwort Rice Cake>, 2014, Single channel video, 17min
노인 한 명이 죽을때마다 도서관 하나가 불탄다 라는 격언이 있다. 어르신의 삶에서 기록하고 보존할 수 있는 것은 무엇일까? 기후변화로 점차 사라지는 계절감, 음식 레시피를 떠올려 계절 음식을 하는 방법을 기록하기 시작했다.
The saying "Every time an elder dies, a library is burnt" emphasizes the wealth of knowledge and experiences that elders possess and the loss that occurs when they pass away. In recording and preserving the life of an elderly person, one can document a multitude of valuable aspects like Personal Stories and Memories, Traditional Knowledge and Skills, Recipes and Culinary Traditions, Seasonal Documentations due to Climate Change.By recording and preserving these aspects of an elderly person's life, we can honor their legacy, celebrate their contributions, and ensure that their knowledge and experiences continue to enrich future generations.