
Family Lineage

족보, 창틀에 아크릴, 112X61.3cm, 2020

Family Lineage, Window Frame and Acryl, 112X61.3cm, 2020

 친할머니와 함께 살며 느낀 감정과 생각을 시로 써 보았다. 이를 자필로 옮긴 뒤 창틀 안에 넣고 창틀을 병풍처럼 엮었다. 먼 옛날 추위를 막아주던 병풍이기도 하고, 투명하지만 이물감이 느껴지는 형태로 남아있는 족보이기도 하다.

   Living with my grandmother, I penned down my emotions and thoughts into poetry. I then transcribed them by hand and placed them within window frames, weaving the frames together like a folding screen. They serve as screens that once shielded against the cold of distant winters and also as transparent yet tangible remnants of our family lineage.